Local SEO Techniques for Beauty and Hair Salon Franchisees

Edge Team
March 31, 2024
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It's tough competition with beauty and hair salon franchisees. This means standing out from the rest of them is essential. You have to offer great services and a welcoming atmosphere, but you must also make sure people can find your beauty salons online. 

This is where Local search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. It's a strategy that ensures more people can find your business online and come visit you. 

Google's organic search drives 57.8% of the global web traffic. To please Google’s guidelines, you must use the best optimization techniques to stand out among other salon franchise brands. 

Edge can encourage local customers to visit your salon. With this platform, you can enhance your social media and use customer engagement tools to grow your beauty business. Just keep reading our guide to learn more about local SEO. 

Why your beauty and hair salon franchise needs local SEO

It's essential to stand out from the other salons in order to do well. You must have a strong online presence in your community to succeed. 

Here are reasons why franchisees and owners need local SEO for their beauty and hair salon:

Visibility in local map, search and social media

People use Google to find a salon nearby, especially if they need a haircut or a makeover. Local SEO ensures that your salon franchise stands out in local searches. This makes it more likely for people in your area to find you. If you don't have local SEO, your brand might just disappear in the search engine results. 

Connect with local customers

Local SEO can help you connect with customers in a more personal way. You can reach out to people who are specifically searching for beauty and hair salon services in your area. This targeted approach allows you to tailor your marketing to cater to the specific preferences of your local customers.

Want repeat customers? Edge can help you with that. You can use automated marketing tools to send out SMS campaigns. These campaigns will help customers book appointments and find new discounts at your salon. 

Gain more trust and credibility 

Having your beauty and hair salon location consistently appear at the top of local search results can build trust and credibility with potential customers. Research indicates that people tend to trust businesses that rank high in local search engine listings. 

You can start by using successful local SEO tactics like optimizing your Google My Business listing. This also includes getting positive reviews and ensuring name, address, and phone number (NAP) consistency across online directories. You can position your salon franchise as a reliable and reputable option in your area.

Customer review automated software makes it easier to collect and handle feedback. With Edge, you can use tools such as automated review requests, sentiment analysis, and review monitoring. These tools will gather important insights, boost your online reputation, and build trust with customers. 

Enhance user experience

A strong local SEO strategy goes beyond boosting your rankings on search engines. It's about making sure your target audience has a great experience when they visit your salon franchise's website. 

Other things that could enhance the user experience include:

  • Mobile-friendly website
  • Fast loading times
  • Location-specific information

All of these aspects ensure you meet the needs of busy customers. A smooth user experience entices visitors to learn more about your services and boosts the chances of them becoming loyal customers.

Standing out from competitors 

Staying ahead of the competition is essential for sustained growth in the salon industry. You can beat your competitors who haven't made their online presence better for local searches. This advantage will help you get more customers on local search and maps, retain the ones you already have, and become a top leader in the industry.

Creating content for your beauty & hair salon franchise location

It's essential to make a connection with your audience so they keep coming back to your salon. You can build real friendships and get people talking by making interesting posts that really resonate with potential customers. Here are some ideas for creating content for your salon brand:

  • Behind-the-scenes sneak peeks: You can show your followers what goes on behind the scenes at your salon. This means sharing pics and videos of your stylists and revealing any fun events or promos. This will make your salon more relatable and help your audience connect with your stylists. 
  • Client transformations: Show the incredible transformations that have happened to your salon clients. People can see these pictures on your social media and feel more inclined to visit your salon.
  • Educational content: It’s essential to make your salon franchise respected in the beauty industry by providing informative content. This means sharing tutorials, guides, and styling tips that your target audience is seeking. 
  • User-generated content campaigns: Encourage your customers to become brand ambassadors. You can do this by motivating them to share their experiences online. Start campaigns where they can upload photos and videos of their salon adventures. Also, make sure to ask them to use a special hashtag that includes your salon's name.
  • Contests and giveaways: You should hold contests and giveaways on social media to create excitement. This will get potential customers involved by liking, commenting, and sharing posts online. They could win salon services, beauty goodies, or discounts. 

Using social media to attract local customers

Social media is essential for your business to reach new customers. Your salon franchise can use online platforms to get more people to come in for your services. 

Here are some tips to help attract local customers using social media:

Engaging with the local community

Social media platforms give salon franchise brands the opportunity to engage with their local community in various ways beyond simply promoting their services. They can establish connections with potential customers. This includes participating in local events, supporting community projects, and collaborating with neighboring businesses. 

You can establish your salon as a reliable and respected member of the neighborhood, drawing in more local customers.

Edge has reputation management software for businesses, ensuring their online reputation remains intact on different platforms. It brings together reviews, monitors brand mentions, and offers analytics to evaluate the state of reputation. Equipped with practical knowledge, you can tackle problems, boost positive feedback, and build a strong online presence.

Local listings and tags on social media

Most social media platforms like Instagram have a cool feature called geotagging. It lets users tag their location when they post or share a story. Ask your customers to tag your salon location when they post about their experience in your salon. 

User-generated content from local customers

User-generated content is about the content that users create themselves. This can include things like photos, videos, and reviews that show off their experiences at your salon. 

You can help build a strong sense of community and authenticity around your franchise. You can do this by encouraging customers to share their salon experiences on social media and tagging your brand. Sharing this content on your salon's social media accounts gives you valuable social proof, but it also encourages other local customers to get involved with your brand.

Use Edge to achieve local SEO success for your beauty and hair salon

It's essential for beauty and hair salon franchisees to excel in local SEO to succeed in today's market. You can boost your online presence and attract more local customers using a few strategies. These include improving your Google My Business listing, incorporating local keywords, and connecting with your social media community.

Get a demo today with Edge to grow your beauty and hair salon and attract more local ustomers to your business.

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