Automatically track and reward employee mentions in reviews with direct employee payout in the Edge mobile app.
Our employee reward platform makes it easy for your team to claim financial incentives. Once your staff download the Edge Employee app on iOS or Android, they can view every piece of feedback they receive at a glance.
When anyone on your team gets mentioned in a positive online review, our employee recognition program rewards them immediately. Your employees can then claim their earnings directly from the app. It's that easy.
Running your business takes up a lot of your time. That's why we make it simpler to track employee mentions in reviews. With Edge, you'll never miss an opportunity to boost employee morale.
Once you upload your list of employees to our recognition platform, Edge will automatically track mentions in reviews so your team can get the peer recognition and monetary rewards they deserve without you putting in the extra hours.
You know your company culture inside out and have a great understanding of what makes your team tick. That's why our custom employee rewards program lets you personalize your incentives to meet your and your employees' needs.
Are PTO and preferred scheduling better motivators than cash? Use our configurable employee rewards engine to create customizable incentives that matter to your team.
Yes. The Edge employee leaderboard allows employees to see how well their colleagues perform. This sparks friendly competition and boosts employee engagement. Plus, when one employee performs well, everyone will have the opportunity to provide public recognition, contributing to a positive company culture.
Review automation is the act of automating the customer feedback process. Once a customer buys your product, they'll be prompted to provide a review automatically. They'll then be directed to your preferred feedback website. If a customer leaves a positive review that mentions a specific team member, our employee recognition platform will immediately reward them for their efforts.
You know your company best and understand how to keep employee motivation high. Whether you'd like to provide paid time off, hand out gift cards, offer free merchandise, or let your employees choose their preferred shifts, our employee incentive program empowers you to choose the custom rewards that align with your company values.
Motivated employees drive business growth, let us show you how.